Welcome to Freckenham, Suffolk.


In the following pages are outlined a brief history of the parish; a history of the Grade II* listed church and a note of church services; details of the Parish Council including meeting dates, agendas, minutes and Freedom of Information publication scheme; local information and an outline of the facilities in the village hall and details of the many activities in the hall which include professional theatre productions as well as weekly events.


Film Nights

Film nights are held on the first Friday of each month with the exception of August and September. 



West Suffolk Planning Policy Consultations

Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Submission (Regulation 16) consultation

You've been invited to participate in the Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Submission (Regulation 16) consultation consultation by the consultation manager, West Suffolk Planning Policy (West Suffolk Council).

This consultation is open from 14 Jun 2024 at 09:00 to 26 Jul 2024 at 17:00.

Dear Sir or Madam

Localism Act 2011 and Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended)
Submission Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan consultation – Friday 14 June (9am) to Friday 26th July (5pm) 2024.

We are writing to you as you are currently registered on our consultation system and have selected ‘neighbourhood planning’ as an area of interest to be notified on, or you are a statutory consultee.

Freckenham Parish Council have submitted the final version of their neighbourhood plan review (Regulation 15 submission version)to West Suffolk Council so that a public consultation on the document can take place.

We are keen to hear the views of people who live, work and carry out business in the area and we are contacting you because you are a consultation body or because you live in, or have a business interest in, the parish of Freckenham.

Once adopted the neighbourhood plan will become part of the development plan and be used by West Suffolk Council when deciding planning applications in this area. 

The submission neighbourhood plan review and supporting documents

We are seeking your views on the following document:

  • Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan submission version.

A number of evidence base documents support the neighbourhood plan and these can be viewed for information:

  • Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement
  • Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Review Consultation Statement
  • Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Review Strategic environmental assessment and habitats regulations assessment screening.
  • Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Design Code.
  • Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Landscape Appraisal and Appendices
  • Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Local Green Spaces Assessment
  • Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Key Views Assessment
  • Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Site Assessment

Where the documents are available:

The consultation documents are available for inspection online via the council’s online consultation system at Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Submission (Regulation 16) consultation - West Suffolk Planning Policy Consultations (inconsult.uk) and hard copies are available to view at the following location:

  • West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St. Edmunds IP33 3YU (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday).

Hard copies of the documents can be sent to those who are unable to easily view them online. Please call strategic planning on 01284 757368 or email neighbourhood.planning@westsuffolk.gov.uk to use this service.

In Freckenham a paper copy of the Plan can also be viewed in the village hall and by contacting the Parish Council on 01638 720360.

What can be commented on?

Comments are invited regarding whether the ‘plan proposal’ fulfils the “basic conditions” (Paragraph 8, Schedule 4B Town and Country Planning Act (as amended)).

The “basic conditions”

Representations received under Regulation 16 regarding the plan proposal will be forwarded to an independent examiner, who will assess the Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents against “basic conditions.”  These require that the plan:

  • Has regard to national policy and guidance from the Secretary of State.

  • Contributes to sustainable development.

  • Is in general conformity with the strategic policy of the development plan for the area or any part of that area.

  • Does not breach or is otherwise compatible with EU obligations – this includes the SEA Directive of 2001/42/EC.

  • The making of the Neighbourhood Plan is not likely to have a significant effect on a European site (as defined in the Conservation of Habitats and Species regulations 2010(d), either alone or in combination with other plans or projects.

How you can comment:

Responses must be submitted in writing and cannot be accepted if anonymous. All information received is public information (subject to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)T. Further information regarding GDPR and privacy can be found at https://www.westsuffolk.gov.uk/privacy/index.cfm

Comments submitted by:

  • The online public consultation system. You will need to register on the system to submit your comments to us. Please follow the link above or type Freckenham Neighbourhood Plan Submission into your search engine. Click the ‘register’ link at the top and follow the instructions. You will receive an email (which may go to your junk box) to activate your account. If you have any problems please contact us for assistance.
  • Post to Strategic Planning, West Suffolk Council, West Suffolk House, Bury St Edmunds IP33 3YU
  • Email to planning@westsuffolk.gov.uk

Responses must be received before 5pm on Friday 26 July 2024

Within four weeks of the close of consultation, West Suffolk Council will work with Freckenham Parish Council to appoint an independent examiner for the plan proposal. The consultation responses will be considered in determining whether the plan is ready for a public referendum on its adoption, or if further modifications are required. 

If you would like to be notified of West Suffolk Council’s decision on the Freckenham Submission Neighbourhood Development Plan, please advise us in your response. The council’s decision on the plan proposal will be publicised on our website following the plan’s examination.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact West Suffolk Council at neighbourhood.planning@westsuffolk.gov.uk or 01284 757368.


Participate in this consultation





Are you finding it difficult to use public transport?

Connecting Communities is available for those who find it difficult to use public transport.

Our service enable passengers to travel locally, for example to visit friends and relatives, attend medical appointments or take a trip to the shops.  Access education and workplaces, linking with other scheduled services.

There is a central phone number, Booking line is open Monday to Friday 8am until 4pm.

Call 01638 664304

We are here to assist with any journeys that you are finding difficult to do using public transport – perhaps you have mobility issues or there simply is no service available where you live.

Our team will look to see if they can offer a transport solution.

Connecting Communities operates Monday to Saturday 7 am until 7 pm






 SCF SW partner email 4


The village hall committee is urgently seeking further volunteers to undertake some of the tasks of running a successful village hall. Give it a go - get in touch with Jane Leitch either on the mobile (07542 198933) or by email - freckenhamvh@outlook.com


 Suffolk Business DirectoryThe village hall is listed in the Suffolk Business Directory



Monday Meet Ups are at the Village Hall

from 2.00 to 3.30 pm.

Monday Meet Ups are for ANYONE, any age, anything to get away from the TV screen and meet others in ones community.

People who would not normally go into a pub alone (shyness, not wanting to appear obviously alone) will hopefully make friends in an environment where they know others are in the same boat. Then who knows? They might pop in anytime. BECAUSE they can! With luck this will complement other community activities as folk become confident and connected enough to join in.


 Visits are on the first Tuesday

of the month

2.00 to 4.00pm East View Car Park


They will provide the tea or coffee and cake!

Everyone welcome 



Patience wearing thin or enjoying the abundance of extra time at home?! Are you getting a little bit fed up or bored with the regular telephone conversations with family or friends. Nothing much to talk about, you’ve said it all before in previous conversations...

Well if you would like to talk to someone different/new then why not give Elaine or Diana at the Coffee Caravan a call?

Diana 07494 572 153

Elaine 07494 570 905



There appears to have been a recent increase in the amount of dog fouling within West Suffolk.

If you are a dog owner or walker then you must pick up your dog's mess if it fouls in areas open to the public. This is a legal requirement as described under the Public Spaces Protection Order (Dogs) 2017. If you do not then you may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice.



All details concerning the Sunnica Energy Farm Scheme can now be found on the
Parish Council page under Sunnica





The Parish Council is aware that residents are kindly and regularly picking up litter around the village and disposing of it, something for which we are all very grateful.

We will not be arranging an annual community litter pick this year, however if you are interested in litter picking the area you live we are able to supply the West Suffolk Council branded sacks that can be left once full next to one of the litter bins in the village and will be collected when the bin is emptied. Please contact the clerk at freckenhamparishcouncil@hotmail.com for details of where you can collect the sacks. 


The Parish Council had traffic surveys carried out in July 2022, funded by locality grants.

The results of the survey can be found below:

Mildenhall Road

Fordham Road

Chippenham Road

 VillageHallOct016compressed See Village Hall pages for all Special and Weekly Events with full details and website links.

   Move it or Lose it Logo 1Now replaced by CircuitsCircuits

- see Weekly Events page.

FitStepslogoClasses on a Wednesday.

Full details on the Weekly Events page.

Pilates logo


Pilates improves flexibility, builds strength and develops control and endurance in the whole human body.     It puts emphasis on alignment, breathing, developing a strong powerhouse, and improving coordination and balance.

THURSDAYS with Rosie Trull with a mixed abilities class

Full information on the Village Hall Weekly Events page.

TableTennisTable Tennis has restarted.  

Amateurs to professionals, all are welcome!

See the Weekly Events page for details


Karate 1


See the Weekly Events page for details.










CitizensAdviceNewmarket 1